기계학습 강좌 week 2 - 1 from Youtube
Weekly Objectives •Learn the most classical methods of machine learning - Rule based approach - Classical statistics approach - Information theory appraoch •Rule based machine learning - How to find the specialized and the generalized rules - Why the rules are easily broken •Decision Tree - How to create a decision tree given a training dataset - Why the tree becomes a weak learner with a new dataset •Linear Regression - How to infer a parameter set from a training dataset - Why the feature engineering has its limit 1. RULE BASED MACHINE LEARNING 1) A Perfect World for Rule Based Learning A perfect world with • No observation errors, No inconsistent observations • No stochastic elements in the system we observe • Full information in the observations to regenerate the system Sky, Temp, Humid, Wind, Water, Forecast -> EnjoySport 완벽하게 일관적인 관찰과 행동을 하는 위와 같은 3가지에 의해 perfect w...